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This is a great tip to improve your writing…

Some light reading for Unit 1 revision

Reading some articles from the web is a good way to prepare for both sections of the Unit 1 exam: you can practise your retrieval, understanding and analysis for all of the questions in Section A (Reading); you can also model your own writing on some of these for Section B (Writing).

Here are some good articles from the news:

In the Daily Mail today, Suzanne Moore crafts an argument against the Monarchy.

Stuart Heritage’s short round-ups of the Eurovision semi-finals both informed and explained how it all happened.

Likewise, this article from the BBC informs and explains the risks of sports injuries.

Also from the BBC, Rob Cameron writes an article informing and describing the moments a leading Nazi was killed during World War II.

Have a look at those; analyse them, summarise them, pick out language, look at presentational devices, steal some of the ideas or features for your own writing.


Get your timings right in the English exam!

keep-calm-and-remember-your-timingsTimings are crucial to success in the English Language exam!

Remember: marks x 1.5 = minutes you need to spend on that question.